Framing in Waco for Nearly Half a Century
Owners, Mike and Pat Magid, both Certified Professional Framers, opened Studio Gallery in 1970 with the belief that framing was more than a craft, it is an art. With hard work, perseverance, and talent they believed they could succeed. From concept to beautiful completed treasure, Mike and Pat have achieved their dream, but their desire to elevate their craft keeps them constantly searching for new methods, materials, and new ways of visualizing the demands of their clients. They have conducted numerous training seminars and private classes over the past 25 years for students from across the country. They have recently been featured in Décor magazine, the largest trade magazine in the art industry world today. Their framing literally hangs on walls all over the world. From modern apartment walls in New York City, to 300 year old walls of a Tuscan villa, and even inside the Swedish Embassy.